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Kitap Bölümleri ve Makaleler
‘Fight “Acceptable” with “Acceptable:” Football, Cultural Battle in Turkey and the Story of Two “Doxas” over an Old Military Song’. Sport in Society, 9 October 2020, 1–18.
‘Mediatisation and Hyper-Commodification of Sport in Post-1980 Turkey’. In Television in Turkey, edited by Yeşim Kaptan and Ece Algan, 173–88. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
‘Football in Turkey during the Erdoğan Regime’. Soccer & Society 21, no. 6 (2020): 680–91.
“Istanbul United: Football Fans Entering the ‘Political Field’.” In David, Isabel ; Toktamış, Kumru (dir.), Everywhere Taksim: The New Dynamics of Turkish Politics, 137-151, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2016.
“Turkish Football, Match-Fixing and the Fan’s Media.” In Sports Events, Society and Culture, 115-128, Routledge, 2014.
Doktora Tezi. “Supportérisme et Engagement Politique Sur Les Réseaux Sociaux: Cyber-Ethnographie Des Supporters de Football Stambouliotes Lors Du Mouvement Protestataire de” Gezi”.” Université de Strasbourg, 2017.
Yüksek Lisans Tezi. “THE TRANSFORMATION OF FOOTBALL FANDOM SINCE THE 1970S.” Bogazici Universitesi Ataturk Enstitusu, 2010.